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The Jungle Tavern is an entertainment Vtuber agency based in Malaysia, established since January 2023.

The Jungle Tavern comprising of 7 active talents from Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines & United States.

The Jungle Tavern is on the move to make a statement in enabling individuals, through presentation and freedom of creativity for our Vtuber's talent.

The Tavern Management

The Jungle Tavern comprising of small and passionate team members that have indulged into the scene of Vtuber for many years, with real-life work experience to manage and coordinate the efforts to make sure the talents of The Jungle Tavern able to achieve their individual wishes and achievement.

A Vtuber with years of experience on live-streaming, content creation and IT project management, Mitsurinn's role as the owner is to make sure everything is working and keeping the vision & mission aligned to The Jungle Tavern.

Mitsurinn Hariku

Chief Executive Officer / Founder

MD5ZAL takes the role of communication with external stakeholders and providing legal advise to help both the talents and The Jungle Tavern, while assisting in daily operation of coordinate the efforts.


Executive Director / Corporate

Experienced in retail and procurement, Adeathlia (Lily) take a role to manage and plan any noteworthy project to be undertake; be it music production or merchandise, in order to cater and realising the dreams of the talents of The Jungle Tavern.


Executive Director / Project

Talent Manager / Support

`Ammar "Tohka" Aryani

An eccentric and yearning to learn more in managing talents, Tohka taking the role of coordinate and managing the Gen 0: Zaserac's talents.

Social Media Manager / Support

Pixie Napier

Chaotic incarnate with background in creative multimedia, Pixie assist The Jungle Tavern tremendously in aligning the creativitiy freedom by talent and the organisation as a social media manager.


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