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What kind of things can I produce with The Jungle Tavern's Talent IP?

To cut into simplicity, making free stuff for the community in a not offensive way? Proceed and have fun with it. Making stuff for profit or in a way that is insulting or mean? Prepare yourself as we are not letting it run past by.

In any case, should you follow the rules within the described in this policy (the "Rules"), The Jungle Tavern LLP ("We") will not hunt after you with a kitchen knife. In fact, we will even grant you a personal, non-exclusive, non-sublicensable, non-transferable, revocable, limited license for you to use, display and create derivative works based upon any of our IP, as long as it is STRICTLY for non-commercial (except as specifically provided below) community use. We reserve the right to deny anyone the use of IP at any time, for any reason, petty or not, or even no reason, including when We decide, in our sole and absolute discretion, that you are using our IP in a way that does not vibe. Once we deny you the right to use our IP, it is much advisable at this point you must stop developing, publishing, or distributing your Project immediately.

No Commercial Projects

TL;DR - Do not paywall the projects, charges people for it, or try to generate the revenue using the IP, only and UNLESS that revenue is from promoting the Project in videos, streaming, et cetera., OR if you have obtained the permission rights and license agreement with our commercial team members first.

You may not create mass produced commercial projects (fanmade items such as etsy, fanart prints at conventions, and other small run items are fine with us), or projects that crowdsources any portion of its funding, Projects that involves a business or legal entity, or Projects where you gate the content with a paywall (e.g., Patreon, YouTube Membership, OnlyFans, et cetera.) without a written license agreement from us.

With rules come with an exception.

We will allow individuals to promote their Projects on websites, streams, or videos and passively generate revenue through approppriate advertisements, including pre-roll ads, ad breaks, and sponsor ad overlays. No inappropriate ads, and We are the ones who will decide what is inappropriate. However, pre-existing assets such as stream footage used in an non-transformative way is not eligible for pre-mid and post roll ads on YouTube as well as other revenue generating sources (as for example: You can't just post a clip compilations and monetise them, though a streamer review, original song about a Vtuber featuring some images of his/her in the music video, or a weird conspiracy video about a stream is 100% fine).

Does my Project have to include original content tho?

Another simplification and too long to read - just streaming your face on top of other content isn't enough honestly. You got to add something unique and creative to anything you are using the IP in it.

Be original, unique. That is what people wanted to see. It is no fun if you just copy existing stuff and try to pass it off as your own. Add some flair and of yourself into it. Adding brief and light commentary to existing content (like adding subtitles or rewatching VODs while adding very little commentary), will not going to cut it. Please try to make an original contribution to the community. Trust us, if you put the work into making something original, people will love it. We reserve the right to use services that identify our content automatically to prevent cannibalisation of existing content.

Can I use The Jungle Tavern's logos or trademarks?

In short, not really :/

We wanted to make sure people know which of the projects are an official from us, The Jungle Tavern and what is not.

You may not us any of The Jungle Tavern's logos or trademarks in anywhere within your Project or on any website, advertising material, video, or other publication, unless you have a separate written agreement with us. You may not register domain names, social media accounts, or similar stuff that uses any of The Jungle Tavern's trademarks, trade names, character names, et cetera.  You may not use our trademarks or names related to our IP as keywords or internet search tags. You also may not use any assets, including but not limited to music, videos, images created and distributed by The Jungle Tavern or our talents official distirbution methods, as this will be unauthorised use of our intellectual property, and products and services using copyrighted material created by The Jungle Tavern, and its partners will be considered as counterfeit (please we do not want fans to be confused with our official artwork and assets as the real thing).

Is NSFW content ok?

You are allowed to create and publish your own content including NSFW, as long as it is within the non-commercial and has an element of original to it as described in above.

However, please keep the NSFW content from being seen by those who do not wish to see it. Make sure your profiles clearly indicate that you post NSFW content before sharing. If you do post it on Social Media, this is especially important to us. Please follow the guidelines of the platforms you share on.

Can I share my Project with the community?

Simplification - Yes go ahead! As long as people aware it is a fan project, not an official one.

If you share your Project with others, please include the following notice (e.g., on your Project's website, or YouTube, whichever it is): [The title of your Project] was created under The Jungle Tavern's "Legal Talks. Who can make stuff? Can I make things? Lets figure out" policy using The Jungle Tavern assets. The Jungle Tavern LLP does not endorse or sponsor this project.

Can The Jungle Tavern use my Project

TL;DR - Yes, cool stuff would be cooler for us to show of or even build on it.

All members including the talents and staffs of The Jungle Tavern excited and loving it when the community creates stuff for us and them. It's really amazing to see how creative and talented so many of you all are. We will highlight them time to time over our social media to spotlight interesting fan Projects, and of course if we want to make it official into our banner of The Jungle Tavern, we definitely contact the original content creator of the fan project and fly off.

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