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Change of Email Domain from .com to .org

Thank you for your continued support of The Jungle Tavern.

We are writing to inform you about an important change regarding our email domain.


Effective 7th of September, 2023, The Jungle Tavern PLT will be transitioning from the current email domain of [] to a new domain, []. This change is part of our ongoing efforts to streamline our online presence and align with our organisation goals.

The new email domain, [], will become the primary domain for all our email communications. As a result, all email addresses associated with our organisation will be updated to reflect this change.

For example, if the correspondence email is currently [], then it will be changed to [].

We appreciate your continued support and understanding as we implement this change. Thank you for your attention to this matter, and we look forward to continuing to serve you with the same dedication and professionalism you have come to expect from The Jungle Tavern PLT.


Mitsurinn Hariku

Chief Executive Officer

The Jungle Tavern PLT


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