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Regina Red Hiatus Break Announcement

To our amazing followers and fans of our talent, Regina Red, and The Jungle Tavern,


We have an important update to share with you. Regina Red has decided to take a break to prioritise her wellbeing. This means that she will be stepping away from any activity over the social media platforms, including livestreaming and social interaction, for a period, from 18th of February 2024, till 30th of March 2024. We understand this news might come as a surprise, but please know that it is a necessary step for her health and wellbeing.

Rest assured, Regina Red will return soon, recharged, and ready to entertain you all once again. Your ongoing support means the world to us. Stay tuned for updates, and feel free to enjoy her previous content in the meantime, while also giving support to her fellow generation talents.


Thank you for your understanding and continued support.




Warm regards,


Mitsurinn Hariku

Chief Executive Officer

The Jungle Tavern PLT


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